sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2020

                       "And so it beings."

General Concept:
- Platformer
- Fighting
- Melee

Base Fighting and Movement mechanics:
-Fighting: Normal Mode:
      . Fast attack: Left mouse tap- 1st Click (Right Arm Scratch)
                                                             2nd Click (Left Arm Scratch)
                                                             3rd Click (Right Arm Scratch)
                                                              4th Click (Combo Double Arm Scratch)
         . Upper Grab: Right Mouse tap
         . Slash down the chest: Right Mouse Hold
    -Fighting: “Enraged” mode (splash damage):
         . Fast attack: Same as normal but faster (“animal pose”)
         . Upper Grab: Right Mouse Tap
         . Slam Enemy on the floor: Right Mouse Hold
. Can be used on shift
. Don’t take damage from enemies when dashing through them
. Particle effects
. Shadow trail/ Ghost Effect
-Character’s basic concept:
. Female
. Oriental * animal soul* (Lion, Tiger, Cat, Fox…)
. Long Flowy Hair (Maybe differ in color?)

-Things to absorve:
. Different backgrounds (areas)
. Item de som (Reksai’s Passive)???
. Organic feel to the camera
. Camera adapts to what is happening (Ex: shakes when falls???)
. Solid narrative (Even if short)
. Dialog type (Corpse party example)
 . Integrated tutorial
 . The game would start with an animatic then go for gameplay tutorial then go for gameplay
 . Dialogs are optional to the player
-Themes: Oriental/Organic/Fantasy/

Boss Idea:
. Is a giant
. Will get his sword stuck on the ground so you can climb it and damage him
. This can be reused to create an easter egg in a form of a statue on the back ground


Corpse party - dialogue system (1996)
League of Legends - Rek'Sai's passive (2009)
Hollow Knight - Dash (2017)

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